
Monday, October 28, 2013

Crimson Wave Cloth Shop Review

Crimson Wave Shop was my first ever order! (And I have all of them still!)

A bit about the shop:

Run by Micael from Cleveland, Ohio. Her shop was very recently opened in March 2013. She uses cotton, flannel, minky and OVB. That said, her shop has always been stocked with cotton or flannel when I have browsed it. She backs her pads in fleece, exception being her liners which are backed with flannel most times.

She offers three categories in her store: Liners, Medium Flow and Heavy Flow. Her liners range from thong to 9in. She also has in this catogory what I would consider "light day" pads which are made differently. Her Medium Flow have one core layer of Zorb. Recently she began making smaller pads as well, measuring in at 8in long as opposed to her standard 9.5in pads. Her Heavy Flow pads have one core layer Zorb and two layers diaper flannel.

My review:

Micael was a joy to work with. I am in love with a mushroom pad she made me, Medium Flow and have used it both cycles.

My initial order was 1 Heavy Flow pad, 4 Medium Flow, 3 Light Days, and 1 liner.

I had a small issue with the liner. This issue was very quickly resolved and Micael sent me a liner to compensate. The issue was the top cotton fabric had a glittery sun glasses print to it. In the photo is simply looked grey. When I received it I noticed the glitter top. I did try to wear it but found it irritated me. I contacted her and she was very kind and told me it could be worn in reverse but she would send a compensation liner too.

Her Medium Flow days are Awesome!
How cute is this pad, c'mon now?! But it is not only cute, it is very absorbent and I have found it works for my heavy days as well! (One layer of Zorb goes a long way for me!)

Another medium flow pad from her I ordered:

Her Heavy Day pad I have is also very nice. But, through trail and error I find I prefer cotton to flannel. But.. It holds A LOT! I went out for a doctor appointment with my grandma. I only expected to be out for 4-5 hours. I actually was out 8+ and had no back ups. By hour five I was beginning to get a bit nervous but the pad held all 8+ hours and did so without any leakage what so ever!

Crimson Wave Cloth Shop also makes pad wrappers! I ordered two from her.
Here is a variety she offered at the time.

She is a five star rated shop with 129 reviews to date.

Go check her shop out!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm feeling nolstagic..

First Period Story...

In December of 1997 I went to the bathroom and saw a faint pink stain. Oh. My. Gawd!!!!!!! I instantly felt every emotion, relief, panic, excitement, anxiety, a brief moment of fear- I knew what periods were but it suddenly slipped my mind and for a split second all I could think was this is it...  I am dying. Then I hit an even bigger brick wall, bigger than the fear of death. Oh no, how do I tell my mom?! Yikes... 

My mom never sat my down and discussed periods or sex with me. I instead learned from a Girl Scout badge project when I was in 4th grade- so a year prior. My mom had had a hysterectomy and didn't have periods anymore and I hadn't had the talk yet at school where they handed out samples. What was a girl to do?

I choose to keep silent. For three, 3!!, agonizing days I spotted very mildly. Part of me wanted it to get heavier so I knew for sure what it was and the other part prayed it would just go AWAY and not ruin my birthday, which falls on December 22nd. 

Well I got the latter wish. After three days it went away. For the two days following I would go to the bathroom every chance I had. Nothing. I figured it was a fluke. 

Fast forward to May 1998...

It was the most fun week of the school year. A to Z day (like the schools version of the Olympics) a trip to the zoo and the class picnic at the park. And because we were 5th graders we got approved to have a water balloon fight with the teachers. It was going to be the best week of the entire school year. 

The day before A to Z day...

I was in my parents bedroom watching Full House and I felt wet all of a sudden. I tried to calmly walk to the bathroom that was literally 5 ft away. But I knew... I pulled down and pants and this time there was no faint pink stain about it. It was a blood red spot in my panties. There was no getting out it this time. And could the timing have been worse?! 

I went through the same emotions as I did back in December. But this time we had already had the "Menstruation" talk by the school nurse and I had samples! I went and got one and put it on. Then I very discretely rolled the wrapper in about 15 paper towels and buried it in the tiny trash can in the bathroom. 

I walked the walk of doom to the kitchen where my mom was cooking. She took one look at me and asked "whats wrong?!". I chickened out. I couldn't do it, I couldn't tell her. So I just played it cool with this really stupid smile plastered on my face that screamed I did something... 

Well the family got through dinner and then I went and hid in my bedroom until my parents came in to kiss me good night. Out of no where I got a surge of bravery and as she was turning off my bedroom light I dove under the covers and said I got my period.  Light back on! Oh no... she was going to want to talk about it... I was horrified. 

She couldn't stop smiling and beaming and just looking at me in this utterly creepy way. (I fully intend to do the same with my daughters. After all it is a proud moment. But when you are 11 and you social life is crashing in around you it doesn't feel so momentous). 

But.. as it turned out it wasn't so bad. I was the first of my friends to get it and they treated me like I was a cross between a queen and a professor of all things "woman". I did sit out of the water balloon fight, but so did all my friends with me. :). They were all asking a million questions and I was the only one, or so it seemed, who had all the knowledge. <3

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

TAG: Why RUMPs Rule

RUMPs (Reusable Menstrual Products) ROCK!!!!

I am in <3 with cloth pads. 

I do not use menstrual cups, a silicon cup shaped device that is inserted into the vagina to catch the blood. This are very different than tampons which absorb blood. A little about cups that I have learned from research...
        * You can wear them for up to 12+ hours
        * There is ZERO risk of TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome. A condition associated with tampon 
           usage and the tampon having been left in too long)
        * They allow the body to expel tissue (or the small clotty looking stuff- which by the way is 
           TOTALLY normal to have. You're period is comprised of blood and other tissue. Not just 
           blood). A tampon actually hinders this and can cause a back up in the uterus of the clots. 
           which in turn leads to heavier periods as well as more painful periods.

But for me? Well I stick to pads. I am not comfortable inserting the cup into my body. Just a personal perference. Here is a bit of information on the benefits of cloth pads- in no particular order.
        * Most cloth pad and cup wearers say their periods become lighter and shorter. PMS symptoms 
           aren't so unbearable, cramping becomes minimal and general mood and outlook on ones
           menstrual cycle are improved. 
        * It makes menstruation FUN!! There are so many prints, fabrics, styles, and shapes to choose
           from. Literally there is a pad for everyone! I am small, and I like 8in or 9in heavy pads and I 
           like the bulkier pads as well. I use liners all cycle round and I find I love my mini 6in liners 
           as my 8in liners. I prefer flannel for liners and 100% for period pads. Then there is OBV,
           minky, microfiber, suede... and even more.
        * Healthier for you. Commercial pads and tampons contain harsh chemicals such as bleach 
           and dixion. Dixion is a known carcinogen. Cloth pads are chemical FREE!
        * Pocket friendly... cloth pads, when well maintained can last upwards of 8 years. I was 
           spending about $14.00 (on cheap brands) for my feminine hygiene.. That would have been 
           nearly $1400 8 years from now! Yikes.


So, Hi. I'm "Grace"...

A little about me...

I am 25 going on 26 and I celebrate my birthday on December 22 every year and have since 1987!

I am a writer by passion. By that I mean I have been journaling since I was 10! And to this day I still love to write. 

I have recently become a cloth pad user. I spent about a month researching them before I actually bought any and now I am happy believer in cloth pads. I have used them for only 1 1/2 cycles and already I have noticed a HUGE difference for me. 

I suffer from chronic and debilitating migraines. They are awful. I actually receive Botox injections in my head and neck every 3 months to help combat them, and I also have prescription pain medications. All that said, since I was about 16 nothing has helped my premenstrual headaches. I am usually completely incapacitated for at least three days leading up to my period.  This month? Nothing. I had a very minor headache about 2 days before I started. Just enough of one that I took some over the counter Excedrin. And that was all I needed! To me that was like a miracle. I also usually have horrendous back cramps. And this month, again nothing but maybe a few twinges.

I am in day 3 of my cycle. Many woman who use cloth report their periods get shorter and lighter. I am already a fairly light bleeder, but my period is always 6-8 days long. So I would be happy if it shortened to 5 days over time.